Tuesday, September 2, 2008

End of Welcome Week and Beginning of Classes

Welcome Week is now over; I am excited for classes starting tomorrow (or really, today, as it is past midnight)! I have only one class today, on the Early Middle Ages (300-1050 AD), which should be fun. The last two and a half days of Welcome Week went by much much better than the 3 days or so before that. Today (technically yesterday) I went to Central Park with my Christian fellowship here at NYU, and I was given two surprise birthday cakes, one from people in the fellowship, and one from a suitemate! That is excellent, especially after being quite lonely for a couple days earlier last week.

As far as Go goes, I managed to break the losing streak, but haven't played much- I seem to become tired after just a single game now. This will probably change once school starts- I've always played the most on weekends of weeks with school.

And now, I will post about my grades, specifically, comparing my grades last year with those from high school. I found my quarter and exam grades for the first 3.5 years of high school in an email I wrote a year and a half ago (along with some very long walls of text I wrote, including an impromptu analysis in chat of the symbolism in Final Fantasy X- remember that, Dan?). Unfortunately, I am having difficulty remembering my grades from second semester senior year, but I remember enough to make a (fairly accurate) guess. So, here is listed my unweighted GPA for each year since 9th grade (NYU doesn't have the A+ grade, so for this comparison I counted both A and A+ grades in HS as 4.0):

9th Grade: 3.53
10th Grade: 3.49
11th Grade: 3.62
12th Grade: 3.67
High School Total: 3.58

College Year 1: 3.625

Just for fun, here is my college GPA without math: 3.83.....

Anyway, this shows a very nice upward trend for me: my grades improved as I took harder classes (no APs in 9th/10th grades, 2 in 11th, 4 in 12th, and 8 real college classes last year). I'm don't know what percentile 3.625 is, but I'd guess it's somewhere between top 10th and 20th for rising sophomores. Since most kids here were in the top 10% in high school, that comes out to the equivalent of top 2% or so in HS- a large improvement for me. Of course, this is a very imprecise measure.