Thursday, September 4, 2008


This semester's classes look like they will be very interesting. Two of them involve math heavily, though, meaning a lot of work for me. Apparently we will be doing math without numbers in Intro to Economic Analysis, which is intimidating but hopefully will be fun. The professor is quite funny; he repeatedly emphasized the importance of math in this class and the rest of the theory track of the Economics major (NYU has two tracks: policy and theory, with theory having more math and abstract theory). He said that those who enjoy doing math tend to like the class and the rest of the (harder, and therefore better) theory track, and those who don't should find another major. So....we shall see if I enjoy numberless math!

Theory of Probability is a math class, and from a show of hands, 2/3 or so of the class are math majors. That is intimidating....I can't compete with math will be hard to get a good grade here. Of the remaining 1/3 of the class, most are finance or economics majors. Well, I'll be doing a lot of math this semester.....wish me luck.

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