Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Quick Post

Because I want to procrastinate!

I have played more Go recently, but have hit a period of a lot of work for school again. By the time that ends, it'll be time for finals, so it's looking like I may not have a lot of time for Go until Christmas Break. Of course, I typically don't get much time for online Go during breaks, especially during the holidays, so December will probably end up with a decent number of games, more than the last 3 months but below my average.

My first final is on Monday, in Economics. He scheduled it before Finals Week starts, during a normal class period.....not sure whether or not that's a good thing. Then I have my Probability final on Monday the 15th, my Early Middle Ages final on Thursday the 18th, and my Architecture in NY final on Friday the 19th. Hopefully that will finish early enough that I'll be able to get to Nashua in time to be at church that Friday night!

The last 2 semesters finals week has been torturous......hopefully it will not be this year. I know that the way to avoid that is to start studying early....but will I do it?

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