Saturday, October 25, 2008

One Last Midterm

My Economics midterm is on Monday. I suppose it's technically not my last midterm of the semester, as Theory of Probability has 2 midterms, and the second one is coming up in a few weeks. But, after Monday, I'll have taken a midterm in each class, so this feels like my last midterm.

I'll need to do a lot more studying today and tomorrow. The material is very theory-based and mathematical, which is a good thing in that it makes it interesting, challenging, and more rigorous than it would be otherwise. My professor is funny and conveys the material well- his problem is that he does not do examples in class- only the theory. I think he also thinks we know a lot more math that we do (as a class). I suppose he expects us to learn how to solve the problems on our own (of course, if one really really understands the theory, the problems become easy), or he expects the TA to give us examples during the recitations. Unfortunately the TA is hard to understand....

Adding greatly to the problem is that we've received relatively little homework up to this point, giving us little opportunity to practice problem solving. Fortunately the most recent problem set was long and hard, and he gave us lots of other practice problems with which to study. I got an A on Early Middle Ages midterm, so that's 2 for 2 with 1 midterm I haven't gotten back yet, and 1 I still need to take. Hopefully it will become 4 for 4....unlikely because I doubt I'll get higher than an A- on the Architecture in NY exam I already took, but not impossible.

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