Wednesday, August 20, 2008

KGS Statistics

First, it appears that I will be leaving on Friday, after all. My Dad says his work is mostly done, so he doesn't need the extra day. But I wouldn't be too surprised if this changed again sometime in the next 2 days.

I was about to post about my KGS Statistics next, but.......NOMINATIONS ARE CLOSED! This means we're (probably) getting a bracket tonight! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, onto KGS Statistics then, while we wait for hopefully the first "traditional" bracket in 4 years: one-on-one matches, no gimmicks, and Link, Cloud, Sephiroth, etc. back in the main bracket.

My stats for August so far (all these stats are from the site, by the way):

Win Loss Percentage
All 19 14 58%
Black 6 5 55%
White 13 9 59%
Higher 4 3 57%
Even 9 7 56%
Lower 5 4 56%

If you're wondering why the numbers don't add up, it's because I played 1 game with Zifan when he made a new account and still had a ? mark rank. ? isn't higher, even, or lower, but it does count in "all."

I am currently on pace for around 50 games in August. This is higher than July's record low of 43, but well below the average of 93. The average is that high in large part because I played a lot of games when I first started- most of the games were fast, allowing me to play many games. Since January, the number of games played per month has mostly been between 60 and 90, with February and July being lower. I doubt I will ever get close to September 2007's 199 again.

My winning percentage in August so far is around the same as my overall winning percentage of 59%. This is much better than the record low I set in July of 51%. The shocking thing about this month's stats is that I have played more games against lower ranked than higher ranked players. If this holds until the end of August, this would be the first time this has ever happened. I think it might be related to my only 30% of games against higher ranked players in July- this percentage is usually around 50%, and so 30% was shockingly bad. Perhaps those losses scared me into challenging 2k players less. This month, I have a winning record against 2ks, though.

In July I also had an abysmal winning percentage of 38% playing as black; that is the first time I have won less than 50% as black since September 2007. Worse, I had a winning percentage of 48% in ranked games, and was only able to salvage an overall winning percentage of 51% by going 3-0 in free games. Now that I've checked, it appears those 3 games were 9x9 games, so...yeah, I had a bad month in July, with regards to Go. Interestingly enough, I won 64% of games with white in July, about the same as my overall record, but I underperformed my overall average with black by 18%. This month my numbers in the various categories are much closer, all within 4%, actually.

My Overall Stats:

Win Loss Percentage Total
All 636 438 59% 1074
Black 345 267 56% 612
White 291 171 63% 462
Higher 190 187 50% 377
Even 306 160 66% 466
Lower 133 85 61% 228

Remember than most games against higher ranked players are against players 1 rank higher- they typically take white, no komi. Most games against lower ranked players are against players 1 rank lower- I take white, no komi.

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